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Category: Completed Reviews

Here are the completed works of literature I have summarized…poorly…consolidated into single posts.

  • The Scarlet Letter: The Complete Summary

    Introduction Unlike the last two books I summarized, this is a book that I have actually read before, though I read it back in high school, which is more than half my lifetime ago at this point. The only thing I really remember about it is the surprise ending, which I will not reveal here,… Read more

  • A Tale of Two Cities Complete Summary

    A Tale of Two Cities Or The Worcesterhires Welcome friends and neighbors and thank you for joining me on my inaugural journey of Charles Dickens’ 1859 classic novel. To start, here is a comprehensive list of all the things I know about A Tale of Two Cities: 1) It starts with the line “It was the… Read more

  • Pride And Prejudice Complete Review


    Pride and Prejudice Or A Gentleman’s Guide to Annoying Women Into Marrying You A long-winded summary by Jim Brewster Dramatis Personae(In mostly order of appearance) Mr. Bennet – Likes to mess with people for funsies. Definitely the best character in the book. Mrs. Bennet – Exists solely to be a Nervous Nelly and see her daughters… Read more