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Papa’s Got a Brand New Blog

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Welcome to my new blog! This whole thing started on a whim. My wife, Colleen, LOVES Jane Austen. I…do not. But, being a good husband, I decided to read her most famous work, Pride and Prejudice, so I could be more familiar with the things she likes. I posted about it on Facebook and a good friend of mine suggested I write a summary in my signature ridiculous style when complete. I have written some short summaries before, so I figured, why not? Within a few chapters it was apparent a short summary would not suffice so I started a chapter-by-chapter summary and the posts received positive responses. So, I decided I would make this a thing, and created this blog.

I have absolutely zero web design skillz, but some limited Word Press skillz, so I decided to subscribe to a Word Press based blog host site, and have spent the better part of the weekend designing my blog! I wanted to get it up and running so for now it is kinda basic but I will work on teaching myself more and making it all fancy like. If you want to help support the site, check out the contact page for muh deets.

Notice earlier how I spelled skillz with with a Z? That’s cuz I am cool and hip, so even if the design is lacking, you know the content is gonna be top notch. It’s gonna be lit. It’s gonna be other slang terms for awesome that the kids are using these days. Like, probably gonna want to wear a helmet when you read it cuz you’re mind is gonna get blown! If I have done my job right, you’re gonna wish you had a groan emoji to wear out through overuse as you read.

How does this all work? Well, I am going to read books I have never read before and write summaries as I go. If you have read the book du jour before, you know more than I do. Check out the Pride and Prejudice post for the complete summary compiled form my Facebook posts.

What’s next on tap? I hope to post weekly on Sundays, and starting out I will bring you A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Here is a comprehensive list of all the things I know about the book going into it:

1) It starts with the phrase “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

2) I think it ends with someone getting hanged and saying something like “My only regret is I have but one life to give my country.” There is a good chance I am confusing that with some other book though.

3) It presumably takes place in more than one city.

For now, sit tight, read (or re-read) my Pride and Prejudice Summary, check out the rest of the site, which is like two pages for now, and wait at the edge of your seat till the best of times starts next Sunday (or sooner, maybe.)

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