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Tag: Salem

  • The Scarlet Letter: Part 3

    XIII Another View of Hester Hester muses about how Dimmsdale looks way worse than the last time she saw him. She feels partly to blame and knows that Chillingworth has played a part in making him extra pathetic. Since Dimmsdale has an instinctual fear of him, but is unable to do anything about it, she… Read more

  • The Scarlet Letter: Part 1

    I The Prison-Door Ah New England. Untouched by white people. Every time a new land is settled, it is seen as a pristine utopia, and as such, needs a prison. One cannot have paradise, of course, unless one regularly culls those who do not conform. Boston was no different, and within twenty years of settlement,… Read more

  • The Custom-House: A short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

    Hawthorne always struggled making a living as a writer, and often had to resort to working actual jobs and keep writing as a side gig. One of these jobs was at a Custom-House in Salem, MA. This is the place where taxes and dues are assigned and collected on imported goods. At the start of… Read more

  • Introduction to The Scarlet Letter

    Unlike the last two books I summarized, this is a book that I have actually read before, though I read it back in high school, which is more than half my lifetime ago at this point. The only thing I really remember about it is the surprise ending, which I will not reveal here, lest… Read more